DATA ENTRY: PORTAL is a VR game sourced from the adventure game Portal created by Rob Swigart and published by Activision in 1986. Moving the gameplay from the 2D space of the Commodore 64 and other early computers to the 3D environment of the Meta Quest 2 enhances player experience through immersive images, sound, and interactive elements. 
I worked along side a team of more than 50 people in developing the game and worked as the Team Lead of Animation. With the help of my team in creating assets, I animated 12 different gifs, one final video and the logo animation for the game! With a time frame of only 4 months we created a story worth telling and a beautiful VR game for anyone to enjoy.

DATA ENTRY: PORTAL Logo, Animated by: Colin Standish

The 12 Animated Gifs Of Narrative 3

ANT Technology, Animated by: Colin Standish

Dreaming of Fireflies, Animated by: Colin Standish

Ship Search, Animated by: Colin Standish

Maglev in the Underwater Trench, Animated by: Colin Standish

The Dreamstate, Animated by: Colin Standish and Ace Pallison

Seemies Death, Animated by: Colin Standish

Freezing Gas, Animated by: Colin Standish

Abandoned Maglev Corridor, Animated by: Colin Standish

ENC Transport, Animated by: Colin Standish

Peter In Antartica, Animated by: Colin Standish

Mentors Death, Animated by: Colin Standish

Seemies Performance, Animated by: Colin Standish

Final Animated Video Of Narrative 4

The Return, Animated by: Colin Standish

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